Note from UPyD:
Regeneration Portman Bay is, after 15 years of projects and studies, one of the actions in environmental matters in the Region of Murcia, which asserted continuing further unrest and frustration have been generated among the residents of Portman and La Union in particular, and all citizens in Murcia, in general.
2.006 In the year an agreement was established which reflected the obligations and commitments of the three administrations: public, local, regional and central levels.
However, to date none of these commitments was unable to run due to lack of funding, which largely rests with the central government.
In presenting the budget for PGE in the year 2010, although there are allusions to the regeneration of Portman Bay, there is no certainty that funding is allocated for it.
In fact, matches will not be specifically for this project.
From UPyD Murcia Region Murcia Deputies urge both the PSOE and the PP, to submit appropriate amendments and to express their commitment in the sense of defending and vote in favor proposals that include items finalists for regeneration Portman Bay in the PGE for 2,010.
Especially we went to the Socialists, because the PSOE, a party of government, is who has the responsibility to present, negotiate and accept, finally, the inclusion of expenditure in the proposed FSP.
The regeneration of the Bay, as well as the positive from the standpoint of environmental and ecological, economic boost would be an area in which the crisis is especially acute, because in the municipality of La Union, the unemployment rate is around 30% .
Source: UPyD Región de Murcia