The Old Public Market has hosted the play "I want to be eco-efficient to combat climate change.
Will I follow? ", Organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water in collaboration with the Municipality of La Union.
Performed by Aftalia Theatre and directed to schools in the region, aims to raise awareness among young, motivated in eco-efficient behavior.
A representation have come a great number of students unionenses who have enjoyed a highly entertaining and instructive work.
Through it, children are informed about the atmosphere and the gases that form, the increase in greenhouse gases, especially CO2, and the resulting global climate change on earth, the known climate change.
In addition, addressing other issues of interest such as the Kyoto Protocol.
The end of the book focuses on the goal to aspire to eoceficiente behavior, ie, promote responsible consumption model based on the appropriate use of natural resources.
In this sense, it tells children how to save natural resources are no longer emit greenhouse gases.
The work will tour throughout this year's various municipalities in the region.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión