The Managing Director of the Institute of Social Action Murciano, Miguel Angel Miranda, and the Director General of Pensions, Assessment and Inclusion Programs IMAS, John Brown, have come to the Home for the Elderly of La Union to give a lecture on "Grants and Services for older people in the Region of Murcia. "
Have gone to this event, the Mayor of La Union, Francisco Bernabé, and Councilwoman Institutional Relations, Juana Sanchez.
The Mayor of La Union, Francisco Bernabé, has welcomed the presence in the town of Miguel Angel Miralles and Juan Castro at a conference "very useful for all older people are aware of the aid offered by the Administration."
During the conference, explained the support and services to eligible persons over the town through two channels: social services and the Dependency Act.
Regarding the Law Unit, has addressed how they can receive aid and services, who is a dependent, to assist eligible elderly and the timing of enforcement, and other issues of interest.
It has also been informed about the services that the regional government provides seniors residences, day centers and home help.
The event, which has had a hundred people, has been developed in the Home for the Elderly of La Union.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión