The First Conference of Mining Tourism, organized by the municipality of La Union and the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena, have had a significant share (more than 130 registered), completing the capacity of the hall of the building Pinion House, home of unionense Consistory.
The conference has been opened by the Mayor of La Union, Francisco Barnabas, and the Speaker of the House, Mariano Rosique.
The Mayor of La Union, Francisco Bernabé, stressed the importance of these days to "make known the important mining heritage tourism as a driver."
Barnabas has emphasized "the unique and wonderful tourist attractions of gathering in a few miles away the Roman Theatre of Cartagena and the Theme Park of the Sierra Minera.
For his part, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena, Mariano Rosique, highlighted the "excellent relationship" that the House has with the City of La Union, which "allows implementing major initiatives for the city d as we are celebrating. "
To Rosique, Vicenta Groups Mine is "an example of effective recovery of mining heritage," which makes it "a benchmark prime tourist."
The conference brought together experts in tourism have hazarded their mining experience on enhancement of theme parks in Spain and the United Kingdom and have discussed how to get the most out of the mine and surrounding Groups Vicenta.
The first intervention was performed by the Director General of Mining Park Foundation, Rio Tinto (Huelva), José María Mantecón, who has lectured on the enhancement of open pit mines of Rio Tinto for tourism.
The head of the first mine opened to tourism in the world, Josyanne Thatcher has dealt with the sustainable regeneration of mining areas and its influence on the progress of the area of Cornwall in the UK.
For his part, Mayor Fabero (León), Demetrio Alfonso Canedo, has revealed the experience of its location in the theme park development Fabero mining in the Bierzo Leon.
Later, the Director General of Sadim (diene and advisory firm of mining museums and theme parks), Alfredo Menéndez Díaz, has offered an insight into the requirements for a mining reclamation project.
Finally, the Mayor of La Union, Francisco Bernabé, has made an exhaustive review of the history and tradition of mining in the municipality, in addition to explaining the ambitious project undertaken by the City Council about the mine brings together Vicenta, which will create Theme Park of the Sierra Minera.
The mayor of La Union, Francisco Barnabas, said that the mine will Vicenta Groups "musealization spectacular that visitors will get transferred to the nineteenth century and so know first hand the work of the miners.
The mine has over 2,300 square meters open to the public for more than 80 meters deep, is one of the largest mining sites visited Europe.
Francisco Bernabé has stressed that "the unique offering that brings together Vicenta Mine is, we must add the valuable mineral and natural wealth existing in the Way of 33, the recovery of Mina Paid laundry, and the kiln."
Thus, "The Union will have a theme park with projection to become a national and international tourist reference," concluded Barnabas.
The Minister of Tourism, Pedro Alberto Cruz, closed the conference by highlighting the "unquestionable value of the mining sector to attract tourists to this privileged corner of the region that is the Union."
The Chief Executive has called the Mining Theme Park as "a project that is a commitment to what we call tourism experiences."
Cruz has highlighted the great value of a Theme Park that will bring together in one space "culture, heritage, economy, leisure and tourism."
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión. Fotos: Ayto. y CARM