Will last 180 hours and is delivered to 15 users of Social Services Union City |
The Mayor of La Union, Francisco Bernabé, the Director General of Pensions, Assessment and Inclusion Programs Murciano Institute for Social Action (IMAS), John Brown, and Councilwoman Social Services, Mary Hermogenes, opened officially in the press room of the City of La Union, the Social Skills Training Program in Basic Level II, for the social integration of people or at risk of social exclusion.
The ceremony was also attended by students in the program, as well as those responsible for the workers and City Council Social Services.
This training will run through 5 training modules.
Will last 180 hours and is delivered to 15 users of social services the city of La Union.
The Mayor of La Union, Francisco Bernabé, has congratulated the students "to participate in a course that will help them for their future", besides addressing a special way to San Gil residents participating in this program, since " regeneration project in addition to the neighborhood, it is also essential to promote such initiatives that facilitate the search for a first job of its neighbors. "
For his part, John Brown, Director General of Pensions, Program Evaluation and Inclusion of IMAS, said that "the best social policy is the full social integration", while stressing that "the program will help users of the known new technologies and techniques of social communication. "
The course is organized by the City Council Social Services Union and has a grant of 18,933 euros from Murcia Institute of Social Action.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión