To the "suspicions" Municipal Socialist Group on the state of the subsidy to the adaptation and extension of the Mining Museum;
from the Municipal People want to express the following clarifications:
There is a cooperation agreement between the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage and the City of La Union for the upgrading and expansion of that museum, in which the said Directorate General provides a total economic amount of 2.1 million euros.
To date it has provided 420,000 euros, which were intended to cover the implementation of the project of the museum and the museum project of the same;
whose number amounts to 57,000 euros with the remainder in the budget line pending execution.
The project includes the entire block where it is currently the oldest Mining Museum, exist in that block a number of private property, the expropriation is being conducted by the City Council.
Of the four private owners, with three already it reached an agreement that has been ratified by the Local Government.
Until you pass the property to be expropriated under municipal ownership can not be start work being subsidized.
Slope is therefore to reach an agreement with the remaining owner and tendering for works of the same, which are covered by the budgets of the City.
Source: Grupo Municipal Popular