Follow collaboration on investment from the Ministry of Agriculture and Water of the Region of Murcia.
So have commented the Director General of Water, Joaquín Grin and our Mayor, Julio Garcia in the workshop that both have remained in Murcia, and which was also attended by the Deputy Mayor for Infrastructure and Public Safety, Salvador Martinez and Fernando Alcaraz, respectively, together with experts from the region.
The meeting has been addressed in the forecast sanitation issue is undertaking the construction of a new wastewater collection, replacing the existing because of their age and ability and connect the north of La Union with the municipal waste.
Work with a budget of 1,798,787 euros and 100% financed by the Autonomous Community.
Also, our Mayor has moved you to the need Grin by the Directorate General of Water, is build a tank Storm sewage treatment plant annexed to the Union during rain collect water that reach the excess sewage and these a refined turn can be used in agricultural irrigation.
A proposal Agrarian Transformation Company "Virgen de los Dolores" has sent him to the government team and that has shown the greatest of receptivity.
Furthermore, it has been suggested that DG rush infrastructure relating to the substitutability of collector sewers connecting the Neighborhood of Transport with the sewer Portman.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión