The Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Business and Innovation in the Region of Murcia is committed to actively collaborate with the City of La Union to maximize and publicize the widest possible audience the great attractions that our town.
This has been agreed the Minister for Industry, Tourism, Enterprise and Innovation, Juan Carlos Ruiz, and our Mayor, Julio Garcia in the working meeting held during both Murcia and which has been accompanied by the Councillor for Tourism, Laura Vincent, to discuss these issues.
In addition, the Director is committed to enhancing the Tourist Office of the municipality, extending the schedule also on Saturdays.
Recently, our office has received the Q for Quality in the framework of the International Tourism Fair (FITUR), where ten other places and spaces in the region were also given.
The label 'Q' Quality is a brand that ensures the excellence of the services, equipment and facilities for our Tourist Office.
Also, our Mayor committed to the holder of Tourism arrange to sign a cooperation agreement between the two administrations in order to finance the services currently offered to citizens of the municipality from the negotiated Consumer.
Julio Garcia has completed and agreed with the Director promotional actions during the International Festival of Cante de las Minas in order to exploit its great media coverage, as well as give greater visibility to the Mining Park of La Union, undoubtedly one of regional tourism jewels, and put it in permanent connection with the offer providing our museums and events Fair draft of Minerals and Fossils or Easter Minera.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión