A very pleasant been accompanied by a sport-joint conference organized by the Nuestra Señora del Carmen La Union College with the II Cross Solidario, as part of the charity project Euroscola 2015.
The event was attended by several councilors of the government team plus the Owner Center Director, Carmen Peralta, and Gregorio Ruiz, President of Caritas La Union and more than 900 students and parents of Nuestra College. Ms. del Carmen that have filled the Municipal Sports in good spirit for a good cause.
The initiative has had this year with the intention of opening participation to students from other schools in the municipality and even parents of students.
The event brings together students, accompanied by their teachers that combine sport and solidarity because in the cross last year he managed to raise over 2,000 euros to be entirely donated to Caritas.
Our Mayor, Julio Garcia, who has participated with students at the school, has congratulated the educational community of Carmelite by holding this second edition of the Cross, and thanked all the gesture of solidarity as they have with the organization of this beautiful initiative.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión