From the Department of Social Services, led by Rosa Pagan, in their struggle for improved training and enabling tools to the residents of the village to search for and obtain a job, he has managed with the Association of Family and Women in Rural , AFAMMER, performing in the town of La Union an ambitious training activity:
"Ecological Productions: horticulture, medicinal and aromatic plants."
This training course will take place in the municipal Youth Space, street Paez Rivers, from 16 to 30 October, from 10.00 hours to 13.00 hours.
The maximum number of participants is 15 people.
It is free of charge.
The overall objective is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge in the field of ecological professionally in order to requalify for professionals offering alternatives to traditional agriculture productions.
The theoretical content is:
Organic gardening: crop associations, how to control pests in organic farming
Organic Fruit Growing: foundations
Production of small fruits (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc)
Aromatic and medicinal plants
Development of fields to organic production
Processing of agricultural products (preserves, jams, etc)
Production of bread
Orientation in employment
Prevention of occupational risks
The requirements to be part of this training are:
Being registered with the Social Security, both in the general rules and the self.
They may be men and women.
In the case of being a woman and being unemployed, father or husband should be high in the agricultural regime, but as a freelancer.
The documentation must be submitted:
Copy of DNI, NIE or residence permit
Header payroll
Last receipt autonomous
For filings will have to personar in Social Services Center, located in C /.
Slaughterhouse, No 5 (opposite the Health Centre), until Monday, October 13 hereof.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión