Sara Baras starred in the fourth Flamenco Gala Festival Internacional del Cante de las Minas with their show "Medusa" before a packed house at the Cathedral of Cante where, in the past, and it rose to as high as other characters of the Spanish imagination as Juana Loca and La Pepa "in his relentless pursuit of justice."
The artist, Castillete Gold and honored the Festival in 2012, brought up to this stage, "a piece of mythology and flamenco", two different aesthetic concepts that merged to perfection.
For a Greek, static and content eluniverso side and on the other, the world of flamenco, power and pure movement, turning heels in sandals and robes robes, or vice versa.
Something as seemingly simple as it is really difficult only available to the likes of Sara Baras.
An hour and a half show where exuded strength, versatile footwork and contrasts of sweetness and tear, reflected in his face.
Sara was radiant and attractive playing the diosaMedusa who lived doomed to turn to stone looked to the comb and snakes for hair.
A transformation that has been evident throughout their representation
At the end of the work, established artist addressed the audience to confess that "every time I come to La Union I get very nervous because I want to do as well ..." and added "I have great love and respect for this scenario and is an honor to dance on it. "
Although the applause came to dedicate his performance this unparalleled Paco de Lucía, shouting "Long live flamenco and live the Union."
As had words for the dancer Blanca del Rey, which went with a "teacher's for you" to dial the last taconeado night.
Medusa, with music by Keko Baldomero, the collaboration of José Serrano and Juan Carlos Vellido, as guest artist, is a quetranscurre show in two parts.
First in the temple of Athena, Sara plays the innocent maiden, Medusa.
Dressed in white danced with energy and vitality of youth.
In the second part, after the rape of Medusa by Poseidon (David Martin), everything changes, the stage goes dark and silent protagonist girl expression of outraged by the woman abandoned and full of rage.
Again Sara Baras, reborn from the tragedy and turned ina deadly, beautiful and tempting as the sweetest of sins woman left no one indifferent filling the expectations and subscribing with gold letters the word "success" in the Cathedral Sing of the Union.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión