The School of Tourism, attached to the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) has initiated an investigation to assess the effects of the Mining Park is creating a social and economic level in the town of La Union in its first four years of existence.
In the study, led by Pilar Jiménez, professor in the department of Technical Tourist, involving more than twenty students of the subject 'Design and marketing tourism product'.
The findings will be released next December.
The study made a target for how residents perceive the Park of La Union analysis.
The project will focus on the perception of schools and colleges, regular users of the park.
The group of tourists will be surveyed for their assessment tourism products that compete with unionense Park as well as its origin.
The results will identify and prioritize future actions.
According to the first results emerging from surveys of students and teachers from schools and colleges, "we can say that the Mining Park Worth the entire population and is perceived as an important heritage value," said Pilar Jiménez.
Tourism students have surveyed during the month of June to more than 300 residents in La Union, chosen through a random system.
They are also conducting surveys to all schools in the municipality, to be direct users of the park throughout the year.
During the months of July and August will interview 400 tourists during their visit to the Park.
The study will be expanded in the coming months to entrepreneurs.
Conclusions are drawn after analyzing the opinion of a thousand users, visitors and businessmen.
The Mining Park covers an area of ​​50,000 square meters and has recovered eight former nineteenth century mining sites that allow visitors to see "in situ" how they lived and worked for former miners in the Sierra de Cartagena - La Unión.
Source: UPCT