The Union yesterday afternoon enjoyed a beautiful procession of Corpus Christi, which for the second year joined the Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Our Lady of Sorrows, on a route that passed along the streets Numancia, Mayor Seven March, Jacinto Conesa, and Real Murcia until Garbanzal.
The Blessed, that procesionó low canopy being carried by the heads of both parishes, Ginés Luis Vicente and Luis Miguel García, accompanied by unionense priest Antonio Morales, was escorted by hundreds of faithful and children this year have made their First Communion, besides by our Mayor, Francisco Bernabé, together with Councillors of the government team, and Brother of the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Miners, Sunday Alajarín, along with the Presidents Fellowships Easter and other officers Guild.
A magnificent evening and the sounds played by singers, along with the beauty of the seven altars arranged along the path, helped make even more welcome demonstration of faith and religiosity unionenses.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión