We are facing the last 3 days of Mining Top Road and the city of La Union invites all residents of the municipality and friends from other towns in our area to visit our catering establishments and enjoy the gastronomic delights have been prepared for this purpose.
The Ruta de la Tapa is performed at a single price of 2 euros for eating and drinking.
Participants in the Top Road Minera visit at least 15 of the participating establishments may participate in the draw for great prizes like free weekends in coastal hotels, restaurant meals or tickets to the Festival del Cante of Mines and Mining Park.
The participating establishments are: Bar Torres, Bar Guerrero, Café Mayor, Bogey Bar Café, Café Solano, Bodega Lloret, The vinegar maker, New California, Minera Tapería Edward, Square Bar, Bar Miner, Pa'Comerte Pizzeria, Pizzeria Torino, Sell The Downloader, Bar El Naranjito, Christ Miners Bar, La Forge Tapas, Pintxos and Tapas, Bar Museum, Café D'Raspy, Rincón de Lis, The Mexican Cantina, Cafe 33, Bakery Confectionery Mayor 55, Bakeries I and El Molino II, Galena and Blenda Confectionery, Confectionery Garbanzal I and II, Miquel Xixohelat Gelato, Coffee Lounge, The Warehouse, and in the village of Portman are: New Café Bar, Gallery, Cantina Neighbors League, Phoenix Café, Café Bar Loivama and Cegarra House.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión