The Union is going to benefit economically from several lines of action presented by Cosme Programme of the European Union, an initiative that seeks the support and promotion of tourism as a source of employment generation in the different European member states in the period between 2014 and 2020.
The issue has been addressed in the working meeting in Brussels that have kept our mayor, Francisco Bernabé, and Cosme Responsible Coordination Program for the Promotion of Tourism Activity, under the Directorate General Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission Oscar Almendros, who has been impressed by the work shown recovery of our industrial heritage conducted through the Mining Park and its value from the point of view of tourism, which began work in 2010.
Specifically, it was agreed to initiate proceedings for the participation of the Union in three lines of transnational subsidies relating, respectively, to support tourism based on the cultural and industrial heritage, supporting the dissemination and promotion of thematic tourism products of sustainability and supporting the tourist flows mayoresentemporadabaja people.
Barnabas has been very satisfied with the result of the meeting, which was attended by the Director of the Office of the Region of Murcia in Brussels, Lucia Huertas, and which is expressly referred to the recovery of more remains our existing inside the Parque Minero legendary industrial past, all towards their rehabilitation to accommodate sightseeing and increase in this way and many attractions existentesenelcomplejo.
Likewise, the meeting had focused on advertising campaigns and promotion in various European countries can undertake in connection with the tourist and cultural offer which presents the municipality and the strengthening of the arrival of European tourists seniors which will launch through various initiatives.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión