The president of the Community and the Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth pushed for the joint organization, through the COR, events for the promotion of sport in Europe
Valcárcel Commissioner proposes to the European Day of Sport for people with physical or intellectual disabilities, to raise awareness of the importance of practice and sports development
The president of the Community and the Committee of the Regions (CoR), Ramón Luis Valcárcel, today made the Festival del Cante de las Minas de La Union as an "example of success in cultural management and promotion."
As part of the conference on 'Culture and creativity: the regions and cities in Europe make a difference', organized by the CoR, held in Brussels, participants were given the opportunity to share experiences of success in this sector and examine their impact and economic and social development.
Thus, among these examples, President Valcarcel said the Festival del Cante de las Minas de La Unión in Murcia.
The regional chief executive, along with the Commissioner of Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, Androulla Vassiliou, and the mayor of La Union, Francisco Bernabé, informed the European Culture responsible for some of the details of this festival and its major promotion around the world through the 'Flamenco Tour', which, as the president said, "has been a catalyst for culture in the region and in Spain."
Valcarcel said that "The Union found one of the clearest cultural exponents, such that culture is the engine of economic development, and to prove it you should go to this town at any time of year, not only in August when the festival ".
"In La Union can see how it is applied, how the idea of ​​culture linked to the development of a region is materialized," said the president.
In this cultural encounter, in speaking mayor of Union, stressed the need for a vision of economic development "closely linked to culture and creativity."
Also, the president of the Community met with Commissioner Vassiliou to address other issues related to their competence in sports, such as social importance that the celebration of the first European Sports Week in 2015 in order to promote practice of physical activity throughout Europe.
"Local and regional authorities have an important role in promoting sports among citizens and, therefore, from the Committee of the Regions would be happy to host and promote European sporting events," said the president.
In addition, the Commissioner proposed Valcárcel the European Day of Sport for People with Physical or Intellectual Disabilities, in order to "raise awareness of the importance of practice and sports development for these people."
Plenary with Barroso and Vice President of Economic Affairs
Moreover, tomorrow begins in Brussels on 105 full Committee of the Regions, where Valcárcel will be accompanied by the president of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso and Vice President and responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, to discuss the main political and economic challenges this year.
Discussions with members of the CoR will focus on the current situation and the future of the EU strategy for growth and employment, as well as the fiscal consolidation efforts that Member States and regions are ordered in 2014.
Meanwhile, Greek Interior Minister Yannis Michelakis, also will address the plenary to present the main priorities of the EU Presidency.
In tomorrow's debate with President Barroso, aspects of economic recovery and growth in the EU, including the role of the Structural Funds and the contribution of cities and regions with a view to the European elections of 2014 will be addressed.
The second day of the session, Commissioner Olli Rehn guide the debate on economic governance, achieving economic and monetary union (EMU) and fiscal consolidation.
New partnerships for growth and employment, their impact on cities and regions and how they will complete the new investment funds and cohesion will also be discussed.
Source: CARM