The two centers of Special Education available to our town, the Public School Living and Enrique Andres Martinez Canovas Foundation have held these days its traditional festivals of Christmas, who visited the families of the students, their teachers and also our Mayor, Francisco Bernabé, accompanied by several councilors.
The Old Public Market was chosen by the College School Community Living Enrique to represent the work "Nicholas, clown boy" scenario, filled with tenderness and optimism to the many attending the event.
In turn, the auditorium of Fundación Andrés Martínez Cánovas became the perfect place to host multiple musical numbers prepared by users of the institution.
The gift-sponsored center AMPA preceded Christmas greeting words uttered by Francisco Barnabas and John Brown, Director General of People with Disabilities in the Region of Murcia, who would not miss the wonderful show.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión