At the root of the opposition filed by environmental groups and supported publicly by the PSOE, and so that it can thrive regeneration Portman Bay, has agreed the same semanaentre Mines, Aria International City and the roadmap will gain sufficient assurance to complete the resource declaration file minerode Section B is:
Aria International will undertake at its own expense the new polls on the ground (1) and sea (3) Mine has sued under the supervision of our technicians region.
Earn the samples were sent to an accredited laboratory queya has been appointed by agreement.
With the results of the analysis, prepare a report delque Mines shall be given to entities that have argued against ladeclaración of mineral resources, which in turn will have 15 díaspara manifest what they deem appropriate in relation to it.
Evacuated these demonstrations, Minas dictate the resolution queponga a definitive end to the file.
Obviously, and while respecting the precautions technicians Minaspara add new information to all existing, from my puntode view the results of these tests can only conclude laevidencia everyone already knows: that between the sterile no large flat amount ore and therefore must prosper ladeclaración.
In any case, the truth and the truth is that all these steps, caused by opposition from some environmental organizations and explicitly supported by the Socialists, will asuponer a delay of between 2-3 months from now, as polls losnuevos and analyzes are going to take a while importantfor its realization.
Because, realistically, we hablandoya of February to bid the work.
I hope that all the good people of our town are aware now and at all times are the ones who are against it have a future of jobs and prosperity in La Union, Portman and Roche.
And also those are the ones we're leaving the skin to get that, despite those, the feedback will be very soon become a reality.
In this sense, this morning I spoke again with the Director General of Coasts and pass me back the immediate availability of the Ministry to work out to tender once the Autonomous end of this process.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión