They ask Raja to stop demagoguery and asserting or disprove the data offered by the Socialists with a yes or a no, and that is the sum of the debts to suppliers (€ 8,020,779.44), and financial debt (3,246 € 512.99 to € 11,403,877.18 short term and long term), giving a total of € 22,671,169.61, all at 31-12-2012.
Socialist spokesman Mariano Oliver, noted that "The Councillor of Finance, Mr. Raja, should be left to demagoguery, and what you have to do is to affirm or deny the fact that we have provided, and that is clear from the General Account 2012 adopted in plenary at the end of last September, and will be referred to the Court of Auditors for audit.
According to the General Account of 2012, debt outstanding suppliers to 31-12-2012 amounted to € 8,020,779.44, according to the Book of creditors, and financial debt amounted to € 14,650,390.17, of which was € 3,246,512.99 11,403,877.18 short term and long term they were (mostly from the assumption by the State debt loan providers through the Provider Payment Plan) .
Adding both figures, it is a total debt of € 22,671,169.61.
For Oliver, "Mr. Raja is giving a lot of laps but did not dispute the data. Therefore, we urge you to affirm or disprove that fact.'s As easy as a yes or a no. If not, ask the Mr. Comptroller Municipal certifying the data for transmission to the Court of Auditors, lest you send data other than those provided to the opposition. "
Socialist spokesman concluded by stating that "if the data is not denied by the Councillor of Finance, without resorting to demagogic arguments, ask for your immediate resignation truthfully and fool the neighbors."
Source: PSOE La Unión