The Hall Pinion House has been the site where there has been the first of the days of the "Literary Mornings Flamenco", a series of presentations of publications related to the Union and the Flemish, who this morning has opened with the launch of "The Children's Union" by journalist Angela de la Llana.
This event was attended by the author, the illustrator Jorge Galán, the editor Eva Marquez, Mayor of La Union and Foundation Executive Chairman Cante de las Minas, Francisco Bernabé, and the Deputy Mayor of Culture of La Union and Director of the Festival, Julio Garcia.
The work has been presented under the words of the journalist, who defines his book as "a small and humble guide Union is unique in the world."
This work explores the reader in the history of this city and "reveals the depths of a magical town," said Angela de la Llana.
It is a reference book for children, with perfect rigor and quality, and illustrated with detail to capture the essence of La Union.
Note the collaboration of Francisco Bernabé, in addition to interests of unionenses as Francisco Ródenas, Esteban Carrasco Bernardo Bernal, among others, who have made this "small but rewarding project," according to its author.
The event was also attended by many children, who have received the book as a gift at the end of the act.
The "Literary Flamenco Mornings" will continue on 8 August with the launch of "Flamenco Studies melodic instrument" by Oscar Manuel researcher, and ends on the day 9 with the presentation of the book-album "The correspondence of Sabicas "by José Manuel Gamboa.
LIII The Cultural Agenda Festival continues this afternoon with live performance by chef Pablo González-Conejero, with live drawing a plate fused to a recital by Cante Flamenco guitar Encarnación Fernández and Antonio Muńoz, prior to delivery Institutional Act Festival Golden Castillete the Basque chef Juan Mari Arzak, to be held at the Mina Group Vicenta, after 19 hours.
Source: Festival del Cante de las Minas