The Autonomous Community yesterday agreed to referral to the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia in the file for the declaration of the existence of mineral resources (mineral deposits) in the tailings deposited in Portman Bay.
Following the publication, which will take place in the coming days, will open within one month public exhibition on the subject, after which the Directorate General of Mines shall decide definitively with the corresponding declaration.
On the other hand, also held in Madrid yesterday a new meeting between the Director of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea, Pablo Saavedra, and our Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Francisco Bernabé and Carlos Martinez, respectively, which was made an overview of the processing depth that is being followed by the State of Regeneration.
Saavedra our representatives confirmed that they are working conscientiously in the preparation of specifications that will govern the administrative concession, at the same time they both confirmed that the Ministry intends to licitarla publicly this summer, which will provide and at the end Year of the contractor to carry out the project.
Meanwhile, Barnabas and Martinez, he indicated the need to accelerate to the maximum limits for the initiative to become a reality soon, and that the statement must contain the safeguards necessary for the work to be executed always and everywhere case within the time limits set.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión