The renowned sculptor Juan Jose Quiros has donated to the Foundation Cante de las Minas a sculpture representing between our Festival Union and India, through the beautiful images of a flamenco dancer in his hands carrying a carbide miner and embracing a inhabitant of Rajasthan dressed in their traditional clothes.
Our Mayor and CEO of the Foundation Cante de las Minas, Francisco Bernabé, thanked the sculptor this beautiful gesture and emphasized the beauty of the work, the result of the extraordinary sensitivity of the artist.
Similarly, and in agreement with Juan Jose Quiros, both have agreed that the piece becomes the present to be delivered to the Indian authorities as a token of appreciation for the agreement signed in Jodhpur in the month of May and that will turn, starting next year, this city Rajasthani in hosting the first edition of the Festival del Cante de las Minas abroad.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión