Both organizations criticize the bad times of the municipal library and study room and the passivity of the PP government team in meeting the demands of students unionenses.
Mariano Oliver, Secretary General, said "Barnabas has resources for other things like make you swear flag, honors, awards, parties, giant paellas and have two private secretaries, yet can not afford to meet the real needs of young the municipality ", to which he added that" we need to immediately put in place a flexible schedule of the public library as a study room and its open 24 hours during exam time, as approved at its days fruit of a motion by the PSOE, as is being demanded by students and the rest of citizenship @ s who habitually use the facility. "
Francisco Javier Pérez Martínez, Secretary General of Youth, reported that "it is unacceptable that our town does not have a schedule of the municipal library and study room suited to the needs of students unionenses, extended even to 24 hours during exam time so avoiding traveling in other municipalities with the loss of time that entails. "
Pérez Martínez, said that "from Youth, with the opening of this place will try, as far as we can, minimize the difficulties that many young people are suffering because they can not have public facilities with adequate time for students and to offer an alternative to the needs of youth. "
From The Socialist Youth Union said "The restaurant is located on Main Street (former site of the PSOE and UGT) and the extraordinary opening period exam period will run from 12 January until 16 February inclusive taking the following schedules, mornings 10.00 to 14.00 - 16.00 to 20.00 LATE - NIGHT 22.00 to 2.00. MONDAY TO SUNDAY including holidays.
From YS also said the past weekend were over 20 students who benefited from this initiative and other stakeholders to use these dependencies can contact through Facebook profile JS La Union and profile twitter @ js_launion.
Source: PSOE La Unión