The painter unionense Merońo Toni Martinez this morning, accompanied by our mayor, Francisco Bernabé, and our council of Celebration, Mary Hermogenes, the table has done and will serve as a poster for the upcoming holiday in honor of the Virgen del Rosario.
It is a work full of light, color, joy and imagination, which clearly captured the playful atmosphere that characterizes our celebrations, at the same time natural and architectural elements emblematic of our city and the Sierra Minera.
Similarly, the event was attended by all candidates for election ceremonies of Queens and Children, Youth and the 3rd Age, which this year will represent the beauty, charm and elegance of every woman in La Union.
The choice of the Queens Children and Youth will be held this Friday 21 at 21.30 am at the Old Public Market, an event which also enjoy a fashion show and a dance exhibition.
Admission will be free until all seats.
The choice of the Queen of the 3rd Age will take place the same day at 18.00 pm in the home of the 3rd Age of The Union.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión