Regrets "deeply" that a neighborhood association has not invited the popular group and that Portman had to find out about the visit of opposition groups "by other means"
The spokesman of the Popular Group Health, Catherine Lawrence, today regretted "profoundly" that one of the neighborhood associations has invited opposition groups to Portman Regional Assembly and has not invited the PP, "which has been to find out by other means ", which in his view" shows the political intent of the visit and the interest of politicizing the concerns of citizens. "
About the maintenance of the health service at Portman, Lorenzo explained that "neighbors have guaranteed health care all day, and the hours of night have two centers in La Union and Cartagena, the distances are maintained national protocols established in accident and emergency, where users who need it can be served. "
Lorenzo pointed out that studies conducted last year on the use of the center showed an average use of the facilities at night time 3 users per month and that "in times of crisis we must be consistent and keep what truly brings higher quality to health care. "
Source: GPP