Is being provided by the City of La Union the course "English: customer service" that is forming free to 18 unemployed with a duration of 210 teaching hours.
The course belongs to supply training aimed primarily at unemployed workers registered at the employment office, who are in possession of the Graduate School or equivalent qualifications.
Its objectives are to enable students to develop properly and fluid situations customer service English; receive customer, identify their needs and respond to it, either through personal attention via fax or , email, etc..
It also includes the insertion modules labor, environmental awareness and sensitization on gender equality.
Being taught in the computer room of the Sports Pavilion located in the C / Racing Irun in from 9:30 to 13:30 from Monday to Thursday.
The course is organized by the City of La Union, and is funded by the SEF and funded by the ESF.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión