In the Town Hall of La Union and chaired by our Mayor, Francisco Bernabé, has been formed this morning the Committee for the Development of Regional Strategic Project Portman Bay.
Attended the meeting as members of the same office the following: the Presidency Regional Secretary, Ana Torrent, the Director of the Office for Coordination and Follow-up of Strategic Projects, Patricio Rosas, the Director General of Tourism, Enrique Ujaldón, Director General Planning and Housing, María Yolanda Muñoz, the Director General of Environment, Teresa Navarro, the Director General for Transport and Ports, José María Bernabé, the Director General of Industry, Pedro Jimenez and presidency of Aldermen and Planning, Carlos Martinez, Councillor of Tourism, Antonio Liarte.
Also, members have agreed to invite the Commission to be part of the strategic process, the Central State Administration, the City of Cartagena, and owners affected by the future development of Portman and the environment.
At this first meeting have been defined the actions that each directorate will develop in future development planning of Portman, as well as the early work that each of them is going to take at this early stage.
In this regard, the Commission agreed to return to hold another meeting during the month of October, which expose these early findings.
The mayor has expressed its satisfaction with the interest shown by all present members of the Regional Government in this initiative, outlining its intention that throughout the process now go start adding other agents to be participants in the same .
Portman-added, has been a project of all and as such should remain so.
It is anticipated that the early work of regeneration in the Bay this fall and begin to develop along more than two years, after which it will begin building the new marina.
It is intended that the development of tourism that comes hand in hand with the large investment in public works is accompanied by several luxury hotels, a golf course, a promenade and several areas of equipment, which will create over 2,000 direct jobs and many more indirectly.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión