The City of La Union has reached an agreement with individual entities that will allow installation in La Union, Portman and Roche 62 new recycling containers for glass and domestic oil.
Specifically, the Association has agreed ECOVIDRIO to install 35 new containers, igloo, which will add to the 57 you already had the town to date, and where in the past year collected a total of 165,480 kilos of glass for recycling, which is an average of 9'01 kilos per inhabitant per year.
On the other hand, through the company Jobufer have already called in streets and squares for a total of 27 new contenders for the collection of domestic oil in our town, which added to the 24 that already existed for a total of 51 containers for recycling of waste such as regular home use.
Our mayor, Francisco Bernabé, and the Councillor for the Environment, Fernando Alcaraz, have encouraged all residents to make active use of these new facilities and also the existing plastic or paper and cardboard, all with the purpose of promoting recycling as one of the most important measures of environmental awareness for the preservation of the environment.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión