The Municipal Corporation of the City of La Union today approved in extraordinary plenary session, the Use and Development Ordinance of the beaches in the village of Portman unionense.
Through this ordinance, adopted unanimously, the Consistory is to regulate the proper use and maintenance of the beaches in this coastal area, as well as ensuring peace and safety of its visitors.
Among other measures, this initiative prohibits street vending of food and beverages as well as making fires and fishing on the shore of the beaches, swimming areas and piers that are less than 30 meters from the shore.
Failure to comply with these rules may be sanctioned with fines ranging between 750 and 3,000 euros, in the case of gross misconduct.
After initial approval of the Municipal Ordinance of Use and Development of the beaches, it opens a two-month period in which claims and proposals may be submitted for discussion and subsequent inclusion in the Ordinance.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión