Andrés Pedreño, regional deputy, has pointed out that the government commits "tremendous irresponsibility by postponing the withdrawal of sterile materials until 2020, since we must increase budgets to tackle this task." Therefore, we demand that the Ministry of the Environment put in place the mechanisms envisaged in the Declaration of Environmental Impact and establish corrective measures. "
Pedreño explained that what we can ask is that the Ministry avoid that these heavy metals, which have been left outdoors by the works, "can be transmitted through the wind or the sea to other places such as bathing beaches. heavy are particles in suspension easily transportable by the wind, and therefore contaminate the neighborhood of Portman and the Natural Park of Calblanque.
According to the deputy of Podemos, in order to apply the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) as well as the necessary corrective measures, it is necessary to increase the budget items provided for in the General State Budgets.
For this reason, Andrés Pedreño has said, we demand "that the Monitoring Commission foreseen in the DIA, in which the regional government itself participates, pronounce itself on this aspect, there is a lack of foresight on this situation that is amazing".
"The government should take note of the seriousness of what is happening in the Sierra Minera where a major public health problem linked to the effects on human health of heavy metals has been raised," said Pedreño, who stressed that " our atmosphere, the air we breathe and breathe for a few days, has levels well above the limit of reference values ​​established by Europe ".
Source: Podemos Región de Murcia