Users are entering the center since early this week, to complete the 20 places available
The Minister of Family and Equal Opportunities, Violante Thomas, with the mayor of La Union, Pedro Lopez Millan, today visited the new day center for elderly people in the municipality, the community starts with the addition of the first users.
The Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM) published last July 2 the public tender for the reservation of places in this center.
The opening of bids was held on 21 this month, and the concert with IMAS the only company that was presented, Alma Ata Health The Union won.
Violante Thomas explained that "the Department of Family and Equal Opportunities has worked quickly to meet one of the demands of the residents of La Union, the implementation of this day center for older people, with a total of 20 seats, which they will be contracted through the Instituto Murciano Social Action (IMAS) for an amount of more than 190,000 euros ".
After his visit, Violante Thomas explained that the Community has funded the construction and equipping senior center with a grant of 482,545 euros, and pledged to contest award process, "which has been met with great agility."
According to Violante said Tomas, "will continue supporting those services related to dependents, providing direct care in their own municipalities through interventions that favor their permanence and integration in their usual environment and offset their restriction of functional autonomy".
The dependent elderly people who had applied to the Office of the Unit this service, not be in operation, they had to refer to another center cartagenera hamlet of El Algar.
The first resolutions for incorporating the elderly came on 1 October, but the effective incorporation has been done since the beginning of this week, due to the coincidence of the date weekend.
As for care for the elderly in the municipality, the social center of the IMAS dependent it has more than 3,700 associates.
Thomas Violante referred to the quality of services provided in senior centers in the municipality.
"We will enhance collaboration maintained with the City of La Union to result in a better service offering," he said.
Suitable For Elderly
The Community is serving more than 20,000 elderly dependents with financial assistance and services.
"The regional government is committed to care for the elderly with the continued expansion of places in residences and day centers", said the minister.
Violante Thomas declared that "have already been created in the first nine months of 2016, up to 632 new jobs, which means that we exceeded the record figure of more than 4,000 seats, a total of 4,080 seats between day center and residence, opposite the 3,448 we had in 2015 ".
According to Thomas Violante, "this improvement has been the result, among other actions, the creation of 632 new positions to cater for the elderly, 555 residential and 77 day care centers".
Source: CARM