The Department of Infrastructure directed by Pedro F. González Buendía is proceeding in these days cleaning and conditioning of wadis of the Municipality, at the approach of the rainy season which usually happens every year between the months of September and October.
Since last July 31, 2015, have been sending from City Hall, official statements to the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura, warning of the large amount of scrub and waste deposited in the wadis of the Municipality and whose competence is the said body so that procediesen to clean and prevent serious damage to homes that are close to these channels.
Specifically notices were sent on July 31, 2015, on November 5, 2015 and September 1, 2016, (as can be seen in the attached images), to which the River Basin Authority has only replied in a letter of dated December 22, 2015 in which the performance of the same to the "lack of economic resources of the Confederation" is conditioned and also indicating "not intend to take action in the short term".
(Document sent by the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura is attached).
For this reason and facing no opposition from the Confederation and the danger of torrential rains at this time of year can cause serious damage to our neighbors, the mayor of La Union, Pedro Lopez Milan and Infrastructure Councilman Peter F. González, they have designed a plan of action that is taking place in the wadis of the municipality so that rainwater can devise completely normally avoiding dangerous situations for citizens.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión