The Old Public Market will host a gala to benefit ASID Cartagena (Down Syndrome Association) the next day on June 4 at 18:00.
The Mayor of La Union, Pedro Lopez Milan, the Councillor for Culture, Carmen Riquelme and the President of Asido in the region of Cartagena, Juan Carrasco, presented in the Plenary Hall solidarity show to benefit the Down Syndrome Association in the participation of children and youth of the Association.
"The collaboration and support of the City will always be present in all those events that have a solidarity purpose, as in the case of ASID, we will have at your side to everything they need," said the mayor in the presentation ceremony.
Also the School of Dance Tardido Laura, will participate with an exhibition of his students dance and flamenco singer Antonio Ayala "The Ramp", offer flamenco songs and José Antonio Heredia Balance, which will collaborate in the show with a mining.
Tickets are on sale at the Asido Association in Cartagena, in establishing Flori Guerrero and the bakery- Confectionery El Molino, both in La Union.
The price is 2.50 euros, which will be donated in full to ASID.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión