The aid can be up to 14,850 euros in case of renewal and up to 30,000 euros in reconstruction
The Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure has today opened the call for subsidies for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of 173 homes located in the center of the Union as well as in the towns of Roche and Portman, for a total amount totaling 605,737 euros.
These grants, published today in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM) correspond to the area of ​​regeneration and urban renewal (ARRU) of the current Housing Plan program and its purpose is to improve residential tissues and functionally recover historical sites, urban centers, degraded neighborhoods and rural villages.
Under these grants works of development or redevelopment of public spaces and conditioning of the squares and areas of community recreation and rehabilitation activities in buildings and homes will be realized and, where appropriate, building replacing demolished buildings within previously defined areas of action.
The call includes the rehabilitation of 171 multi-family housing or single housing, which will include the conservation, maintenance and intervention in fixed installations, proper equipment and common elements, to improve energy efficiency and adaptation of buildings to ensure better accessibility to them.
In this case, applicants may obtain grants aid to reach almost 50 percent of the total budget of the action that takes place in the home, with a maximum amount of 14,850 euros.
It also includes the possibility to apply for grants to finance the construction of new homes that have been or should be demolished.
Specifically, eligible activities are two and consist of the construction of a maximum of two houses, with minimum energy rating B type, replacing other previously demolished, and rehabilitation of multifamily housing 171 or a single housing.
For the reconstruction, citizens will benefit from grants involving up to 35 percent of the cost, with a maximum of 30,000 euros per household to replace another and demolished.
The beneficiaries of the grants will be the sole owners of apartment buildings and communities of owners, who have until next June 20 to submit applications for assistance until May 31, 2017 to proceed with the execution of the works.
In order to apply for grants, applicants must submit a properly executed and signed by the person acting on behalf of the homeowners association or group of communities or requesting assistance as sole owner of a building application.
Among the documentation to provide for the granting of aid, in the case of rehabilitation, should provide the Evaluation Report Building, completed and signed by the competent technician and rehabilitation project, while for the other modality will provide the reconstruction project.
Source: CARM