The Department of Family and Equal Opportunity plans to expand to 30 more seats concert Diagram keeping with the Foundation to care for people with mental illness in the residence "Christ of the Miners', La Union.
The Minister recently announced Thomas Violante, on a visit to the center, this new financial contribution by the regional government.
Currently, the department has 60 places for people with chronic mental illness in the residence, with a budget of 1.156.00 euros.
As stated Violante Thomas, attention to people with disabilities "it is one of the priorities of the regional government and the proof is that to date, have already been created 228 new places for people with disabilities, funded through the IMAS, for a total of 3,779 spaces between residences and day centers. "
The residence 'Christ of the Miners' La Union offers comprehensive care to basic, therapeutic and sociocultural personal needs of people with chronic mental illness, affected by varying degrees of dependency, promoting their autonomy.
The counselor explained that people with a severe and prolonged mental illness "have complex difficulties in the development of skills related to basic aspects of daily life that impact negatively on their quality of life and the relationship with their family environment and coexistence ".
Diagram Foundation works in specialized care, support and rehabilitation of these people, "encouraging their psychological and social integration, besides representing an invaluable aid to the families of those affected," said Thomas Violante.
Centers that serve people with mental illness have services and resources that promote personal and social development of this group, with particular attention to their difficulties and personal needs and further including a support service to families.
The Minister stressed that the main objective is "to achieve the full development of the skills and abilities of these people, encouraging greater personal autonomy and integration within their community, which favors increasing their quality of life."
Source: CARM