After one year hiatus prompted by the death of its creator, Pascual García Mateos, the literary gathering "Mesa-Café de La Union held yesterday the proclamation of 'People of the Year, which this time the winners honored 2008 and 2009.
The gala for the proclamation of 'People of the Year' was attended by the Mayor of La Union, Barnabas Francisco, the President of the Regional Assembly, Francisco Celdran, the President of the literary gathering "Mesa-Café, Federico García Marín, and as various representatives of the Municipal Corporation and the cultural, social and business of the town.
In 2009 was awarded the prize 'People of the Year', the manager of the restaurant centennial cruets, Fernando Martinez, the sport of wheelchair basketball, Ivan Martinez Toscano, and the director of the monthly The Union Press, Concha Albaladejo.
Compared to 2008, have been recognized as 'People of the Year' Miguel Cuevas, Pepita Calvache Martínez, José María Dolores Sanchez and Mayor Martinez.
The literary gathering "Mesa-Café" was created by journalist Pascual García Mateos, and for nearly forty years, recognizes the work of a brilliant career unionenses in the business, cultural, sports, etc.
Source: Ayuntamiento de La Unión